What to Work On When You're Feeling Broken


If you've ever been injured or have felt not like your best self, you know what it's like to feel broken.

Maybe you really want to get back to your routine, which could potentially be perpetuating the cycle of why you’re feeling off in the first place!

For example, you’re feeling a nagging tightness, so you go to the chiropractor for a treatment. As soon as you feel better, you go back to your routine. Sure, you try to avoid what you think injured you. But do you only feel good for a few weeks, then that nagging tightness comes back?

You’re left asking yourself "What did I do wrong!?" Frustration sets in.

It’s not necessarily that you did something wrong. This may keep happening because you’re not in a physiological position to do what you want just yet.

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When you’re feeling broken, and really want to do something about it, here’s what you can do RIGHT NOW:

-Eat more

-Sleep more

-Walk more

-Practice stress relief (meditation, journaling, prayer, yoga, deep breathing, etc)

After you’ve started buffering stress (and putting your body in a better physiological position) by working on the list above, and have a coach and doctor to work with, here are some things you can start to discuss with them:

Subjective markers of stress:

Have you had any change in one or more of the following? If so, you probably need to continue working on eating more, sleeping better, more daily movement, and stress relief.






[ From Dr. Jade Teta - https://www.jadeteta.com/blog/sleep-hunger-mood-energy-cravings-is-your-shmec-in-check ]

Objective measurements of stress:

Purchase some tech that will help your team collect and review data (Oura ring, Withings scale & blood pressure cuff, Cronometer app, MyZone heart rate monitor, etc).

Resting heart rate

Heart rate variability

Blood pressure

Sleep quantity & quality

Daily movement/steps

Food quantity & quality


So if you’re feeling broken, physically or emotionally, and you cycle through feeling good then not so good, take a step back and evaluate further. Talk to a coach or a doctor.

What are you missing? What can you do right now?

Pick one thing to do today and stay active, but gather the data you need to evaluate your program and goals with your team.

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